Sala A2.5 - Moderatori: prof. univ. dr. ing. Călin MUNTEANU, prof. univ. dr. ing. Mihaela POPESCU, prof. univ. dr. ing. Nicoleta GILLICH – 12 lucrări
Joi, 09.10.2014, orele 14:50 ÷ 16:20
Corp A, Sala A 2.5
ID 34 – Virgil MAIER, Sorin G. PAVEL, Iulian BIROU, Horia G. BELEIU
“Technical and economic analysis of Soft Starter Providing in LV Electrical Installation”
Technical University of Cluj Napoca
ID 39 – Victor POPESCU
“Determination of the Level of Influence of Various Factors on the Reliability of Power System”
Agrarian University of Moldova
ID 47 – Alexandru BITOLEANU, Mihaela POPESCU, Vlad SURU
“High Performance Shunt Active Power Filter: Design Consideration and Experimental Evaluation”
University of Craiova
ID 48 – Mihaela POPESCU, Mircea DOBRICEANU, Gheorghe OPREA
“Improving Compensation Performance in Three-Phase Active Power Line Conditioners by DC-Voltage Control”
University of Craiova
ID 55 – Constantin Vlad SURU, Mihăiţă LINCA, Cristina Alexandra PĂTRAŞCU
“Evaluation of Current Control Methods in Three-Phase Shunt Active Power Filters System”
University of Craiova
ID 88 – Nicolae BADEA, Madalin COSTIN
“Gas Boiler Powered by the Fuel Cell System”
“Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi
Joi, 09.10.2014, orele 16:50 ÷ 18:20
Corp A, Sala A 2.5
ID 67 – Gheorghe HAZI, Aneta HAZI
“Considerations on Numerical Protections for Induction Motors Connected in MV Industrial Power Systems”
“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău
ID 86 – Gheorghe HAZI, Aneta HAZI
“Calculation of Industrial Power Systems Containing Induction Motors”
“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău
ID 32 – Adina RĂCĂŞAN, Călin MUNTEANU, Vasile TOPA, Claudia PĂCURAR, Claudia HEBEDEAN
“Improving Filter Performances for Conducted Electromagnetic Interferences Suppression”
Technical University of Cluj Napoca
ID 63 – Ion Teodor CIOCHIU, Viorel OSIAC, Bebe HUZA, Gherghe Marius Leonard CIUREZU, Anemona Madalina MOUSAVI
“Retention of Powders from Flue Gases Resulted from the Combustion of Lignite in High Energy Boilers in Thermal Power Stations”
S.E. Turceni
ID 85 – Ion Teodor CIOCHIU, Viorel OSIAC, Anemona Madalina MOUSAVI, Bebe HUZA, Leonard Gherghe Marius CIUREZU
“Powder Collection from Flue Gases Resulting from the Burning of Lignite in Boilers from High Power Energy Power Plants”
S.E. Turceni