The Faculty of Social Sciences within the University „Eftimie Murgu” of Reşiţa, through its bachelor programmes, trains specialists in the field of European and international law, public administration, social work, pedagogy of preschool and elementary education, didactic orthodox theology, physical education and sports, human resources.
Moreover, through master programmes it provides the training of specialists in the fields of European public administration, management of public institutions and social work services, as well as studies of pastoral theology and Christian mission.Beside its theoretic studies, the Faculty of Social Sciences assures specialised practical training in national and Europe institutions, facilitating the cooperation with their specialists, contributing thus to the practical implementation of knowledge and competences acquired from lectures and seminars.
The mission and objectives of the study programmes within the Faculty of Social Sciences are customised and integrated into the Strategic Plan of the university by the initial training and specialisation of university graduates in legal, administrative, social and theological sciences, in accordance with the national frame of qualifications and labour market requirements, with the purpose of promoting a cult of lifelong innovating learning and the valorisation of the local specificity of the West Region Banat.
Bachelor and master studies are in accordance with the ARACIS quality standards and aim at developing general and specialised knowledge, as well as specific cognitive abilities, which accurately define the qualifications provided. Research in the faculty, in the legal and administrative fields, are carried on in the Research Centre for the Protection of the Environment and Cultural Assets in the European Area „Victor Duculescu” (C.P.M.B.C.), and in the social and theology domains in the Centre for Social and Theological Research „Miron Cristea”.
The faculty publishes the „Journal of International Law”, bilingual publication indexed in international databases, published each trimester, which celebrated 10 years pf existence in 2013; and the Annals of the University „Eftimie Murgu" of Reşiţa, Fascicle of Social Sciences and Humanities, which promotes both fundamental and scientific research.
"N-aş fi reuşit să devin Secretar al Judeţului Caraş-Severin, dacă nu aş fi avut inspiraţia să urmez cursurile de master în cadrul Facultăţii de Știinţe Sociale, specializarea „Managementul Instituţiilor Publice”. De atunci, fac parte mereu din această mare familie şi încurajez tinerii de pretutindeni să pună accent pe carieră!"
Darian Ciobanu
De profesie jurist, dl. Darian Ciobanu a reuşit să ocupe cea mai de seamă funcţie în aparatul administrativ al Judeţului Caraş-Severin, având la bază cunoştinţele necesare pluri şi inter-disciplinare dobândite la Reşiţa. De câţiva ani dânsul coordonează practica studenţilor de la specializările „Drept European Internaţional” şi „Administraţie Publică” în cadrul structurii pe care o conduce. Suntem convinşi că domnul Darian Ciobanu nu se va opri aici, deoarece apartenenţa la universitate şi participarea continuă mereu activă la proiectele acesteia îl va insufla mereu, determinându-l să acceseze noi şi noi orizonturi.