Following a long and rich tradition of technical and technological innovation started in 1771, after 200 years, in 1971, the higher technical education was established in Reşiţa. For over forty years, the specialists trained in Reşiţa have been and remain in the first lines of technological revolution , both in the branches of traditional industries (electromechanics, mechanical engineering), and in the avant-garde ones (informatics, business engineering). The high demand for engineering graduates on the labour market, expressed by the business environment and multinational companies, exponentially increases the young engineers’ employment opportunities, the more so as our graduates have recognised knowledge in computer-aided design.
The Faculty of Engineering and Management, part of the University "Eftimie Murgu" of Reşiţa, has the fundamental mission to provide the initial and lifelong professional training through academic study programmes on the bachelor, master and doctoral levels, post-secondary programmes and courses of specialisation and improvement in domains relevant for the needs of the region. The multidisciplinary character of our programmes of study, providing them both specialised knowledge and management skills, attempt not only to offer our graduates the upper hand for a rapid insertion on the labour market, but also to induce them an entrepreneurial spirit. In the context of a knowledge-based society, but with humanist valences, another mission assumed by the Faculty of Engineering and Management consists in training graduates with civic spirit and social reasonability, able to manifest themselves as active European citizens in community and society.
With a strong regional orientation, another component of the mission of the Faculty of Engineering and Management is the support provided to the business environment and to the public institutional milieu, by applied research on topics relevant for the region, materialised through the know-how transfer to the local and regional firms and institutions. The proof of the good professional training and of the shaping of strong and visionary characters is brought by the high number of Reşiţa engineering graduates co-opted in research and production teams in Germany, France and Belgium. We do more than just training specialists, we build characters.
PhD eng., ec. Codruţa-Oana Hamat
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Management
"Invăţaţi din evenimentele timpurilor trecute şi prezente, dar priviţi mereu spre viitor. În tehnică, cu pasiune şi viziune, oricine poate deveni un nou Steve Jobs."
Pascar Ovidiu
Numele meu este Ovidiu Pascar, am 43 ani şi sunt născut la Reşiţa, un municipiu cu o veche şi bogată tradiţie industrială. După absolvirea Liceului Industrial Nr. 1 din Reşiţa (astăzi Liceul „Traian Vuia”), m-am angajat în cadrul U.C.M. Reşiţa, locul în care tehnica mi-a devenit familiară.
Drumul sinuos al cunoaşterii m-a făcut să înţeleg că desăvârşirea mea ca profesionist necesită parcurgerea unor studii superioare tehnice în domeniul meu de interes. Ca urmare, am absolvit Universitatea "Eftimie Murgu", Facultatea de Inginerie, programul ”Tehnologia Construcţiilor de Maşini”. Orice activitate a fost tratată cu responsabilitate de către cadrele didactice, iar pe lângă îndrumarea de specialitate am beneficiat şi de pregătire complementară, benefică în activitatea mea ulterioară.
Întotdeauna mi-a plăcut să subliniez că sunt rezultatul acestei universităţi. Evoluţia mea profesională, de la inginer, la Manager Resurse Umane în UCM Reşiţa, la Director Executiv la SC Reşiţa Reductoare şi Regenerabile SA (RRR) şi, în prezent, Director General la SC HR ADVICE Solutions se datorează şi cunoştinţelor acumulate ca student.
În plus, sunt căsătorit şi am doi copii. Pot spune cu sinceritate că sunt un om împlinit.