Research in the University "Eftimie Murgu" of Reşiţa approaches topics covering the domains of engineering, exact sciences, economics and humanities. For the organisational point of view, the research takes place on the level of departments preponderantly in its five research centres. Strategically, we aim at creating interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary structures sustainable and able of high scientific performance.
Coordination of the scientific research activity
The management of research activity is assured by the Council of Scientific Research, with the role to elaborate the UEMR research-development and innovation strategy. The Scientific Research Council has the following structure: a chairman – the Vice-Rector for Scientific Research, and six members, from among whom the chairman appoints a secretary. The members of the council are appointed by the three faculties of the University "Eftimie Murgu" of Reşiţa, each faculty having the possibility to nominate two members. The coordination of the scientific research activity by domains and themes of interest is made by experienced didactic and research staff, based on the active involvement of young teachers and researchers and of PhD and master students. A core role in this process is played by the PhD tutors. The research teams have autonomy, including the freedom to decide their research areas, but the institution supports the research aligned to the priority directions comprised in the UEMR strategy.
Priority research domains in UEMR
The role of university in the region and for the region assumed by the University "Eftimie Murgu" of Reşiţa imposes several priority research fields. In this respect UEMR preponderantly supports the following multidisciplinary domains, reflected in the region's development trends:
- high-power energetic aggregates and units (hydro units, electric machines) and recoverable energies;
- material engineering (corrosion, surface engineering, metallography);
- vibrations and acoustics (defectoscopy, isolation of natural and anthropic vibrations);
- protection of cultural assets and environment law;
- entrepreneurship and intercultural management;
- thematic tourism;
- integrated services for the socially disfavoured persons.
The development of research priority domains will be made through the efficient use of human and material resources, as well as of the financial resources come from the budgetary and own sources.