The University „Eftimie Murgu” of Reşiţa is a university in the region and for the region that comes to meet the needs of the local education through education, applied research and knowledge transfer.
The mission assumed by the University "Eftimie Murgu" of Reşiţa refers to:
1) initial and lifelong professional training, through bachelor, master and PhD programmes of university studies, post-secondary programmes and courses of professional specialisation and enhancement in domains relevant for the needs of the region;
2) training creative and flexible alumni with entrepreneurial thinking, able to contribute to the sustainable development of the region;
3) training graduates with civic spirit and social responsibility, who will act as active European citizens in the community and society;
4) support for the business environment and the pubic institutional milieu through applied research on topics relevant for the region;
5) knowledge and know-how transfer to local firms and institutions.
The top management leaders of the University "Eftimie Murgu" of Reşiţa is permanently preoccupied with the development of the institution and improvement of the institutional academic quality, as well as the growth of the university prestige and confidence in the quality of its graduates and the services provided to the community. The development of the university takes place according to multi-annual and annual measure planes (four-year strategic plans and annual operational plans), and the continual increase of academic quality by a dynamic system of quality management. It is supported by a quality organisational culture, based on trust and respect relations among the members of the academic community and the belief that the continual improvement of quality is indispensable for progress.
For the University „Eftimie Murgu” of Reşiţa, institutional academic quality means:
• quality education focused on the student, by using active teaching / learning methods, meant to provide the graduates with thorough theoretic knowledge, supported by practical ability and solid cross competences;
• quality practical training, relevant for the future profession;
• assuring the graduates’ personal development by subjects providing the formation of cross competences, and by a diversified supply of extracurricular activities;
• partnerships with foreign universities and diversified offers of the abilities for students and teachers;
• quality applied education, oriented toward immediate results in industry and society;
• quality fundamental research, visible by relevant publications;
• competent consultancy supplied to firms and public institutions in the region;
• meeting all the requirements of its beneficiaries of educational and research services;
• quality support services provided to students and teachers;
• professionally competent teachers, with pedagogic vocation, continually preoccupied by the increase of attractiveness and effectiveness of the teaching / learning activities;
• existence of a real quality culture.
The policy of the university in the field of quality aims at reaching all these objectives. I consider this policy as primordial for the development of the University "Eftimie Murgu" of Reşiţa and I pledge myself to personally monitor its application.
I ask the entire staff, irrespective of their position in the hierarchy, to give all their adhesion and contribution to the application of the academic quality policy, without exceptions.
I delegate the Quality Director the authority to do the following:
• make sure that the quality assurance policy is applied;
• plan the continual quality improvement and monitor the effectiveness of the quality management system;
• animate, educate and shape the quality-related culture in the organisation.
The university top management will make sure that the quality policy:
• is adequate to the university’s mission and corresponds to the nature and dimensions of its services;
• meets the requirements and is applied for the continuous improvement of institutional academic quality;
• is communicated and understood in the organisation, and the objectives are set and known on all hierarchic levels;
• is analysed for it its permanent adaptation and update.
The present declaration of quality policy is available to the public.
Reşiţa, 15.12.2016
Conf. univ. dr. Andrade Ionuț Bichescu