Educational offer - Master studies

Faculty of Engineering and Management
Master studies - 2 years

Design and testing of mechanical systems (CTSM) 60 (21 budget + 39 with fee)
Industrial bussiness management (MAI) 100 (23 budget + 77 with fee)
Advanced electromechanical systems (SEA) 100 (23 budget + 76 with fee + 1*)

Faculty of Economics
Master studies - 2 years

Administration of business in tourism, trade and services (AATCS) 50 (24 budget + 25 with fee + 1*)
Accounting expertise and firm evaluation (ECEF) 50 (21 budget + 29 with fee)
Marketing and business communication (MCA) 50 (24 budget + 26 with fee)

Faculty of Social Sciences
Master studies - 2 years

European public administration (APE) 100 (23 budget + 75 with fee + 2*)
The management of social assistance services (MSAS) 50  (21 budget + 29 with fee)
Pastoral theology studies and Christian mission (STPMC) 50 (20 budget + 30 with fee)

Admittance brochure - for July 2018 session - here!

* places for Romanians from everywhere