UEMR students prepared for Martisor's feast

1 March



Love in Black & White

1 February

In the foyer of the Resita University, a new meeting was held within the project "Culture, Art and Higher Education in Resita". Through the "Black and White Love" exhibition, the UEMR wishes to highlight and support artistic activity among students, employees and collaborators. They exhibited: Irina Chicu - drawings in coal, Laurentiu Radu and Bozu Flavius - cardboard and polystyrene models. Musical moment are provided by student Ionut Cretoiu. The University is joined by the UEM Students League and the Student Culture House.



Junior Prom 2017

December, 08


Give a drop of life! COME AND DONATE!

"Eftimie Murgu" University, together with the University Students League, starts a campaign to promote blood donation between 4 and 8 December 2017, in partnership with Blood Transfusion Center Resita!


Students from UEMR in volunteering at the Spring Center

The Students League of "Eftimie Murgu" Resita University (LSUEM) organized a workshop with the students' participation, on the 23rd of November, at the "Spring Day" Resita Center for Inclusive Education. Within this workshop, students developed creative and interactive activities designed to stimulate all participants

The success of this first meeting, the joy with which the students thought and organized the program, the joy they were greeted with, and the moments of happiness generated, make this event run monthly!

Studenţiada 2017

Students' League from University "Eftimie Murgu" of Resita  (LSUEM) is organizing Studentiada 2017 from October 16-20. During this week, students have the opportunity to participate in a series of educational, cultural or sports activities. The activities started on Monday, October 16, 2017.
Ziua de miercuri, 18.10.2017, va debuta cu o acţiune de donare de sânge şi va continua cu portrete la minut realizate de studenta Irina Chicu în curtea universității.
Ziua de joi, 19.10.2017 va fi dedicată sportului.
Vineri, 20.10.2017, studenţii vor fi invitaţi să cunoască universitatea într-un mod cu totul inedit, la un treasure hunting.

Studenţiada este un festival studenţesc organizat simultan de toate organizaţiile studenţeşti membre ale Uniunii Naţionale a Studenţilor din România (UNSR). În anul 2006, UNSR a iniţiat „Studenţiada”, festival studenţesc organizat la nivel naţional, care a determinat 5000 de tineri să participe, timp de o săptămână, la diverse activităţi extracurriculare, iar în 2016 festivalul s-a desfășurat în 16 orașe, având peste 50.000 de participanți. Studenţiada are în vedere rolul important pe care creativitatea şi inovaţia îl au în viaţa noastră de zi cu zi, atât în ceea ce priveşte dezvoltarea noastră ca indivizi, cât şi ca societate.

La nivel local, Studenţiada este organizată de Liga Studenţilor din Universitatea „Eftimie Murgu” din Reşiţa în parteneriat cu Uniunea Naţională a Studenţilor din România, Universitatea „Eftimie Murgu” din Reşiţa, Casa de Cultură a Studenţilor din Reşiţa şi Muzeul Cineastului Amator.




A drop of blood for a children
(blood donation)
15 mai


"Dare to get involved"


Junior Prom
8 decembrie



Team building
Coronini (13-15.11) & Semenic (11-13.12)

Halowe'en Party
29 octombrie


Occupy 25%

Blood donation

Junior Prom


Summer Camp 2014

TVC 2014 - Young - Cheerful - Creative

2014 Election

Next FR (Fundraising)


Pool Night Party
at Atlantic Complex Reşiţa

"I'm Student, I known my rights"
took place in University Campus at Coronini

"Basarabia is Romania"


20 Years
from Students League foundation

Junior Prom 2013



Let's do it Romania!

in Tricolour Park in Reşiţa



"Zero Accidents" Day

Books Market in Reşiţa downtown

Junior Prom 2011: the Vunk band was invited


Youth in Action: Course for projects writing (November 22 - 24, 2010)

Junior Prom 2010 was presented of wellknown couple Răzvan and Dani