The University “Eftimie Murgu” of Resita (UEMR), a university in the region and for the region with around 2500 students, was founded in 1992, as a natural development of the engineering higher education offered in Reşiţa since 1971. It continues to train specialists through bachelor and master programmes in different fields of engineering (mechanics, electricity, science of materials, industrial informatics and business engineering) and a PhD programme in mechanics, providing also bachelor and master level training in economics, social work, EU international law, public administration, Orthodox religion, sports or pedagogy. The University “Eftimie Murgu” of Resita continues the region’s long tradition of industry and research in iron processing, machine building and hydraulics, as Resita has been the country’s main centre for training specialists in these fields, keeping in mind that the first Romania’s furnace was founded here in year 1771 under the rule of Austrian Empire.
UEMR is proud to develop this rich heritage and take it to the 21st century by adapting to the Bologna requirements and the modern European and international standards, as part of the endeavour to build the knowledge-based society. The UEMR academic programmes along with its research and lifelong centres are eager to continue these pioneering efforts of interest by modern research and active involvement in hydraulics, material science, electricity, renewable energy, entrepreneurship, innovation, social work, EU law, contemporary pedagogy etc.
The University “Eftimie Murgu” is a dynamic institution determined to remain an active member of the European academic space and to implement and preserve an intense frame of co-operation with European and international academic institutions. In fact, UEMR was among the first four universities to join the Erasmus programme in its very first year of implementation in Romania!
We have many European partners from Germany, France, Greece, Spain, Italy, Serbia, Moldavia etc. and we have developed a series of projects together, in diverse EU programmes (Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Youth in Action, Grundtvig, Culture2000 etc.). UEMR is also very active in attracting EU structural funds grace to complex projects meant to enhance all the aspects of the academic training in the region. As for Resita and its surroundings, they are wonderful in all seasons. Resita, with around 80,000 inhabitants, lies in a hilly region along the valley of the Barzava river, and Mount Semenic is only about 40 kms away! There are several natural and artificial lakes around the town and the area is famous for its breathtaking landscapes and adventure tourism opportunities. UEMR has also opened a summer campus in Coronini, on the Danube shore, an area of great natural splendour.
The UEMR main campus is situated in the centre of the town, and the students’ hostel and canteen, welcoming also the foreign students, are within walking distance. In fact these students’ facilities are currently undergoing a radical refurbishment grace to a current project financed from EU structural funds. UEMR is very active in the Erasmsus programme, which is intensely promoted and transparently implemented, and we are pleased and proud that many Erasmus foreign students have chosen to come to Resita for academic or practical training in our university, research centres or local enterprises. The University “Eftimie Murgu” of Resita is a modern European institution of higher education, proud of its tradition, aware of the modern trends in academic and lifelong education, and willing to make all the efforts to be an active part of the European space of academic training.