The Distance Learning Department within the University "Eftimie Murgu" of Reşiţa was founded in 2000, functioning according to the Law of National Education of the European System of Credits Transfer (ECTS).
The department has two specialisations:
- Marketing – accredited through H.G. 413/2013;
- Public Administration - accredited through H.G. 413/2013.
The following information presents several aspects related to the specificity and advantages of the study in the distance learning system (ID), in our university:
• The specific traits of distance learning (ID) The duration of studies is of 3 years according to the Bologna process. The curricula and diplomas are identical with those for full time programmes.
• The studies are carried out through three types of activities, tutorial activities (AT), assisted activities (AA) and semestrial assessments (TC) based on the calendar of activities, during two semesters.
• The didactic activities are held on Saturdays and Sundays, at the central campus premises of the University “Eftimie Murgu” of Reşiţa.
The advantages of the distance learning system (ID) within the University "Eftimie Murgu":
– didactic and tutoring support in a tutorial network with specialised teachers trained in the ID technology ID;
– access to laboratories for assisted activities, lecture halls for tutorial activities, library and spaces for individual study;
– the subjects studied in the ID system receive the same number of credits as the courses taught in the full time studies programmes at the respective faculty;
– training without the interrupting the professional activity;
– bachelor (or diploma) examination afferent to the form of short-term higher education;
– courses of lectures in electronic format (CDs) and accessible from the department e-learning platform;
– user accounts for the access to the database containing the students’ school situation.