UEMR organize in the period 16-17.XI the Students’ Scientific Symposium EMING 2018. Its purpose is to create the frame for the presentation and discussion of articles containing the scientific and technical results obtained by the attending students during their professional training, and to facilitate the scientific cooperation among the participants.
Symposium sections
S1. Electrical Engineering, Informatics & Industrial Automation: Electromechanics, Informatics, Electrical engineering techniques and equipment, Advanced electromechanical systems, Fundamental sciences applied in electrical engineering and informatics
S2. Engineering and Education: Business engineering in mechanical field, Business engineering in electrical field, Engineering and management of manufacturing systems; Fundamental sciences applied in business engineering
S3.Mechanical Engineering: Machine-building technology, Welding engineering, Materials engineers, Mechanical engineering, Engineering of recoverable energies systems, Fundamental sciences applied in mechanics and science of materials, Connection, testing and diagnostic of industrial equipment, Advanced processing of materials
Faculty of Engineering and Management of the University "Eftimie Murgu" Resita held Friday, December 8, 2017, the fifth edition of the Student's Scientific Symposium EMING.
Future engineers belonging to the "Eftimie Murgu" University, with their coordonators meet in room B1, where, starting at 10:00, the symposium was opened.
The paperworks were presented by sections, depending on the subject: Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Industrial Automation, Economic Engineering and Management, Mechanical Engineering.
Vineri, 26 mai 2017, începând cu ora 11.00, la Facultatea de Științe Sociale din cadrul Universității „Eftimie Murgu” din Reșița s-a desfășurat sesiunea de comunicări științifice studențești Educație și cercetare în societatea actuală, ediția I.
Au participat studenți de la programele de studii de licență din domeniile Drept, Științe administrative, Științe ale educației, Sociologie, Asistență socială, Educație fizică și sport, Teologie etc. Aceștia au prezentat rezultatele cercetării ştiinţifice desfăşurate sub directa îndrumare a cadrelor didactice ale facultății.
Prezența unui număr de șapte studenți de la Colegiul pentru Educatori „Mihailo Palov” din Vârșeț (instituție de învățământ superior cu care UEMR a încheiat un parteneriat încă din 2014) conferă caracter internațional acestei manifestări.
Comunicările studenților au fost evaluate de către un juriu, cele mai bune cercetări fiind recompensate cu premii și mențiuni.
Faculty of Engineering and Management of the University "Eftimie Murgu" Resita held Thursday, November 24, 2016, the fourth edition of the Student's Scientific Symposium EMING 2016.
Future engineers belonging to the Politehnica University of Timisoara (UPT - Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara) and technical faculties of the University of Oradea along with their coordinators, met the colleagues from the University of Resita in the Hall "Constantin Gruescu" (Body D UEMR), where, starting at 12:00, the symposium was opened.
The works were presented by sections, depending on the subject: Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Industrial Automation, Economic Engineering and Management, Mechanical Engineering.
In the period 3-5.XII the Faculty of Engineering and Management organises the Students' Scientific Symposium "EMING 2015" – 3rd edition. Its purpose is to create the milieu for the presentation and debate of articles forwarding the scientific and technical results obtained by the students during their professional training, and to facilitate the scientific cooperation among the participants.
Symposium sections
S1. Electric Engineering and Informatics
S2. Business Engineering and Management
S3. Mechanical and Materials Engineering
The Faculty of Economics organises on March 19th, 12:00 hours, the National Contest for Economists in Training ONEF 2015 – local phase, a competition of communications and papers for the following sections:
• Cybernetics, statistics and economic informatics;
• Economy and sustainable development;
• Finances and financial institutions;
• Marketing.
According to AFER Regulation, the papers shall observe the editing conditions provided by the regulation!
In the period 20-22.XI the Faculty of Engineering and Management organises the Students' Scientific Symposium "EMING 2014" – 2nd edition. Its purpose is to create the milieu for the presentation and debate of articles forwarding the scientific and technical results obtained by the students during their professional training, and to facilitate the scientific cooperation among the participants.
Symposium sections
S1. Electric Engineering and Informatics
S2. Business Engineering and Management
S3. Industrial Engineering
UEMR organised in the period 28-30.XI the Students’ Scientific Symposium EMING 2013. Its purpose was to create the frame for the presentation and discussion of articles containing the scientific and technical results obtained by the attending students during their professional training, and to facilitate the scientific cooperation among the participants.
Symposium sections
S1. Electrical Engineering and Informatics: Electromechanics, Informatics, Electrical engineering techniques and equipment, Advanced electromechanical systems, Fundamental sciences applied in electrical engineering and informatics
S2. Business Engineering and Management: Business engineering in mechanical field, Business engineering in electrical field, Engineering and management of manufacturing systems; Fundamental sciences applied in business engineering
S3.Industrial Engineering: Machine-building technology, Welding engineering, Materials engineers, Mechanical engineering, Engineering of recoverable energies systems, Fundamental sciences applied in mechanics and science of materials, Connection, testing and diagnostic of industrial equipment, Advanced processing of materials