Regulament privind activitatea didactică pe baza Sistemului de Credite Transferabile (ECTS)
Regulament privind evaluarea, examinarea şi notarea performanţelor profesional-ştiinţifice ale studenţilor (2019)
- Anexa 1 - Cerere reexaminare
- Anexa 2 - Cerere mărire notă
Regulament cadru pentru păstrarea evidenţei activităţii profesionale a studenţilor
Regulament de organizare şi desfăşurare a studiilor universitare de licenţă
Regulament privind organizarea şi desfăşurarea studiilor universitare de master
Regulamente studii de doctorat
University Code of Students' Rights and Obligations
Students' Professional Activity Regulation (2019)
Scholarships Regulation (2019)
DOC şi POSTDOC Scholarships Regulation
Students' Clasification Regulation (2019)
Volunteer Activity in UEMR Regulatio (2019)
Organization and Functioning Regulations of Student Entrepreneurship Society (SAS) - Statute of SAS
Students' Residence Regulation
Canteen and Campus Café Regulation
Methodology on the organization of the National Program Student Camps 2018