
Eftimie Murgu (bas-relief by Petru Comisarschi)

Eftimie Murgu (b. on December 28th, 1805, at Rudaria, Caras-Severin district - d. on April 30th, 1870, in Budapest) was a Romanian jurist and philosophy professor, politician, member of Hungarian revolutionary parliament during the 1848 Revolution (the Debrecen Parliament), and then a lawyer in Budapest.

The town of Resita - situated in the south-west of Romania, along the Bîrzava River, in the vicinity of Mount Semenic, is one of he oldest and most renowned metallurgic and machine-building centres in the country. Its industrial beginnings go way back to the 4th of July 1771, more than two centuries ago.
It was only natural, considering this tradition and responding to a long-felt need, to develop, starting with 1971, when we celebrated two centuries of industry in Reşiţa, and to establish here the higher technical education, by the founding of the Institute of Engineering, initially subordinated to the Polytechnic Institute "Traian Vuia" of Timişoara, prestigious engineering school of European fame.
In 1990, as a result of a normal evolution process, the Faculty of Engineering was founded, still subordinated to the Polytechnic Institute "Traian Vuia" of Timisoara, with the sections: Machine-Building Technology, Welding Technology, Electromechanics, Plastic Deformations and Heat Treatments, and Metal Casting. An exceptional moment in the evolution of Reşiţa’s academic education was the year 1992, when the University „Eftimie Murgu” was founded, independent from the Timisoara Polytechnic School, with two faculties: Faculty of Engineering (FI) and Faculty of Law and Economics (FDSE), which, on October 1st 1995 became Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (FSEA).
After more than four decades of higher education in Reşiţa, the University "Eftimie Murgu" offers the image of a complex reality and of a distinct individuality, both in the national and international academic plane. It has continually perfected and modernised its training processes, endeavouring to consolidate its place among the most prestigious institutions of technical and economic higher education.
On October 13the and 14th 2011, UEMR celebrated four decades of higher education in Reşiţa. .

UEMR emblem

Old emblem
Actual emblem

Until the 23rd of May 2008, the UEMR emblem was an open book. At the beginning of 2008, along with the initiation of an ample modernisation process of Reşiţa’s university, the emblem was changed by the Senate decision.
The new emblem, more stylised, takes over the initial symbolism of the book opened toward the depths of knowledge, but also allows the assimilation with the image of wings spread to the skies. Both UEMR new emblem and slogan are the results of a public contest with prizes, to which the majority of the academic community took part.